90s Levi’s 70502XX Type 1 Denim Jacket.
Levi’s 70502 that was made from around 1989 to around 1992.
We don’t have a Levi’s book every year, but this denim jacket is featured in the 1989 Levi’s Book.
The 1994 Levi’s Book uses the current number of 506.

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・ Type1
・ One side chest pocket
・ Front pleats
・ Selvedge denim
・ Big E “Red tab”
・ Paper label
・ Cinch back
Cotton 100% = 綿 100%
Made in japan = 日本製
38 inches = 38インチ
Levi Strauss Japan Co., Ltd. = リーバイ・ストラウス ジャパンK.K.
Manufactured in February 1992.
((02 92 .02 = month. 92 = year “inside display tag image red circle”))
Rubbing on the cuffs. (Image)
Collar and the tip of the flap of the chest pocket rubs and unravels. (Image)
There is a feeling of use.
I think it’s in good condition when you think of it as a jacket 30 years ago.
There is no problem in wearing.
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Display size 38
((It is large for Japanese size. Please refer to the actual size.))
Actual size
Shoulder to shoulder 17.913 inch “45.5 cm”
Armpit to armpit 20.866 inch ”53 cm”
Width of the body (measured 10 cm under the armpit) 20.393 inch ”51.8 cm”
Waist (flat) 17.716 inch ”45 cm”
Length (without collar) 21.850 inch ”55.5cm”
Shoulder to cuffs 23.228 inch ”59 cm”
Armpits to cuffs 20.275 inch ”51.5cm”
Armhole (straight line distance from shoulder to armpit”flat”) 9.448 inch ”24 cm”
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